Have you ever wondered what Earth looks like from outer space? When we look at our planet as a ‘blue marble’, we see our shared home, not the boundaries and borders between states, sectors...
The University of Vaasa (UVA) passed the audit conducted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The university received praise from the audit team for diverse and vibrant…
LAB University of Applied Sciences (LAB) received praise from the FINEEC audit team for the strategic goals set for the impact of its research, development, and innovation (RDI) activities…
Humak University of Applied Sciences was praised by FINEEC’s audit team for its inclusive operating culture that encourages staff to experiment and engage in projects with partners. Humak…
For the first time, higher education in the field of bioeconomy has been assessed at the national level. Bioeconomy degree programmes provide competence based on the needs of the work life…
The majority of natural and environmental protection and nature-based services students are adults and hold at least an upper secondary qualification. The strengths of graduates include…